Monsters in the Dark | Teen Ink

Monsters in the Dark

May 12, 2016
By monkeylee234 BRONZE, Hemet, California
monkeylee234 BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They always talk about the monsters that lurk in the dark. They always talk about the horrific things that evil beings do in the middle of the night. From stories to TV shows to films made in Hollywood, humans have fabricated absolutely horrifying things from their own imaginations. Or have they? You may think that the stories of monsters stealing children at night are something of pure fiction, but that isn’t the case. Every. Single. Murder. Every. Single. Kidnapping. These have all been done numerous times before by a human before they were even thought to have happened by monsters. We can’t handle the raw, real truth. In the place of humans, we cleverly come up with some form of vile excuse for what humans have done. It affects thousands of people every year. One weekend. One body. Everything changed. A hiking day just like any other weekend. All that can be said about that gruesome day was flowers--for my mother--which never got picked and then a smashed in face. Red and blue lights. Caution tape. Child trauma squad. My sister never got those flowers for my mother and my father got a bitter taste of reality. Monsters I get, people are crazy. People are crazy for doing those devastating things to other human beings. However, people are equally crazy for believing these kinds of things only happen on their television shows. Stories are told over and over in different continents about ghosts and vampires. However, there isn’t always monsters in the shadows. Sometimes these so called “monsters” are just people like you and I. That is what makes them absolutely terrifying. So watch out in the shadows, in the daylight, in crowded streets, and forests, because that’s where the real monsters lurk.

The author's comments:

I wanted to bring awareness about things that humans do. That these kinds of things happen daily and without remorse.  

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