Leaving | Teen Ink


June 1, 2016
By rmmc99 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
rmmc99 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She’s leaving. She’s leaving me here all alone and she doesn’t have a choice. She doesn’t want to leave me, but she has to. She has to start the “next chapter in her life” or whatever. She is my best friend in the entire world. The only who gets my jokes and plays games with me. She takes me places and helps me make new friends and cooks with me. We have all the same interests and have all the same friends. I spend all of my time with her. She loves me and I love her. I don’t want her to leave. Nobody can bear to see a dear friend leave, but she has to.
What will my life be without her? Who will I talk to about every little detail in my mind? Who will give me advice on what to wear? Or help me make decisions? Who will be there for me?

I’ve heard this quote a million times: “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” or this one: “It would be a pleasure to have my heart broken by you.” Yes, those are very true and I’m more than grateful to have had her in my life, but the plain truth is that I can’t bear to see her leave me. She will be gone for five years, and who knows if she’s coming back? And after next year? I’ll be seven hours further than I already am from her. Sure, we will try and keep in touch and talk as much as we can, but I hate the thought of spending my weekends at someone else’s house or being someone else’s best friend.

She’s the best friend I have ever or will ever have and I’m not ready to let go.

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