Life Happens | Teen Ink

Life Happens

October 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Six years ago I lived in New York with my grandmother, my mom, and my little brother. My aunt gave birth to a girl and my grandmother left to Delaware to see her new granddaughter leaving me in New York with my mom and my brother. As soon as I found out she wasn’t coming back things went downhill.

My grandmother helped me with everything that I needed help with. She would pick me up half way from school, cook dinner, help me with my homework, and wake me up to take to me to school so I wouldn’t be late or anything. While she took care of me she would watch my little brother too so she had two to watch and do everything with while my mom worked and came home late. We would always be together and she would take us to the store, the park, and everywhere else we asked her to try and take us to that place and she did even if it was a week or two late we still got it. My grandmother was our babysitter but always our grandmother she already had raised her daughters and she was willing to take care of me and my brother while my mom worked late and had to take the train home and get there later at night. My mom came out at 7 at night and got home around 9 because of the trains running late or not running at all.

When my aunt called my grandmother saying that her water broke and she going into labor the next morning my grandmother took me to school and took my brother to her other daughter house a few blocks away she left to go to Delaware. At the end of the day I came out of school and my aunt was there to pick me up not my grandmother. I was really curious because it’s always her but not this time I asked her “where is nana at?” she wouldn’t answer she just asked us “where do you guys want to eat dinner at?” .Everything was really weird and not normal but at the end she finally told me that she wasn’t going to come back because she has to watch her new granddaughter because she was always there for us now it was Skyler’s turn. I was really mad so that night I did my homework and everything that I would do with her there but this time she wasn’t there it was just me, my mother, and my brother all quiet without my grandmother.

When I found out everything I started skipping school, not doing my homework, skipping class, and behaving the opposite of how I was with her there. The only responsibility that I took upon myself was to pick up my brother from daycare, make sure he had something to eat, and his homework.  After my mom found out everything that was going on and everything that I was doing she talked to her mom my grandmother about me going to Delaware. They finally came to an agreement and decided to send me to Delaware but I didn’t know about it hundred percent. So that summer we went to Delaware and they sent me to the park and when I came back she was gone and I was still in Delaware with my two cousins, my aunt, my uncle, and my grandmother.

Four years have passed and I’m living with my grandmother once again taking care of her and doing better than before. I have made honor roll, been passing all of my classes, trying out for sports and making ne friends to hang out with. Another good outcome was that I met this boy that changed everything to a good outcome and I’m glad that I have stayed in Delaware for four years now and I plan on staying for good.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write about what happened to me and that it dont just happen to me . 

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