No More Bullying | Teen Ink

No More Bullying

November 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Ok my last one was about people  that get bullied. So this one I’m about to ask you were you a bully or are you a bully? If you have to think   then you are you  can deny all you wont but that means your more of a bully then you thought just because I call you a bully don’t mean you’re a bully that’s just what I think you are but if you  know your not a bully then don’t answer to that be the stronger person be the better one. It all up to you. Ok see people say things all the time so it up to you if you answer to the word they called you.  what I mean by that is you cant let them see  you fall because then they know they can hurt you so keep you head up and like my step mom always says  smile it looks good on you. So when people bump you keep going don’t stop cause your special in your own way. God made you the way he wanted you.

Now for the people that cant keep your head. I’m so sorry for you because that means you have no body and that’s not right find someone. Put your self out there and be you don’t listen to those people I’m telling you because some people need to know. If you those people then listen to me. I use to be bully till I found my squde my best friend might be gone for now but I have people to support me and I wont to be here for people because I know how  it feels to  be put under a microscope so don’t listen to them be you and not what people think you are what you think.  .so this one is for the people that watch people that get bullied stand up be there friend and if you follow your friends then your not loyal because you have the thoughts that everyone has what if I can do something I would have but you don’t. why say something if you don’t mean it. Why do people do things that we wouldn’t approve of because people don’t care what they think why? Because they think nobody will do anything to them. But that stops  now people need do stuff to help people that get bullied are if you get bullied stop them tell them off stop being scared no more you have to be brave take a big step and become your own person.

The author's comments:

i did writing helps me get it all off my chest and it saves me from the people that think it ok too talk but they cant say it for them self

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