Getting My Dogs | Teen Ink

Getting My Dogs

November 29, 2016
By gabibaker BRONZE, Branchburg Nj, New Jersey
gabibaker BRONZE, Branchburg Nj, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our first dog, Frankie, was boxer mix. She was so sweet and snored so loud you could hear it in China. If I was tired on the couch with her right next to me. I could just lay right on top of her and she didn’t care. Of course like every dog she had her flaws, like chewing EVERYTHING in sight, but I loved her with all of my heart.

We lost our dog Frankie, when we lived right next to hwy 72. We were moving in and we had to have the dog on a leash, because there was no fencing around the yard yet. We miscommunicated and thought that the dog was on a leash, but she wasn’t. She ran onto the highway and was ran over by a car.  My mom had to jump a fence to get to the hwy and try to get the dog to stop running back and forth across the highway. There were two cars that stopped to try to help, one was your average Joe and the other car was (are you ready for this?) a pregnant lady. this just reminds you of how nice some people still are. My grandparents were helping us move in, so my grandma stayed inside with me the whole time.

“ Honey, Frankie was hit by a car…. I’m so sorry sweetie” mom says sympathetically.
“Awwwwe, sweetie, it’s gonna be okay….” grandma says as I quietly cry.

I am telling you this, because we got our dog Blue Bear, who is a Pitbull mix.We got him the week we were moving into Branchburg.ur new house is right next to hwy 22. He was up for adoption in the St. Huberts shelter. If we hadn’t rescued Blue Bear that day then he would’ve gone to another family. My dad was on the fence about it because he had known that we lost our first dog while moving in. My mom could tell that he was the dog for us,and that my dad had really liked him. My mom decided we were going to adopt the dog that day, and it was the best decision ever made in our family. My dad would take a bullet for that dog, and they are best friends. Then, once he was about 9 months old, we decided he needed a friend.

My dog, Stella who is a Pitbull, that I love with all of my heart and more. We got her when she was only 3 months old . She was from a breeder in Brooklyn. The only reason we got her from a breeder was, because we wanted them to match in color. We scoured rescues everywhere in New Jersey and New York, but nothing. My dad finally found a breeder in Brooklyn, with the blue-gray and white colors we were looking for. 

We pull up in the car and we are right in front of a bunch of little condos.

“ Are you ready to pick your new puppy?!” says Dad.

“ I’m so excited!!” I say.

We walk in the house and immediately hear a sea of puppy barks. The breeder leads us to the cages where the puppies were. There were two cages,on the top was a cage full of girls, and on the bottom a cage full of boys.
“The boys are a little crazy and restless, but still adorable.” the breeder said to us.

After hearing that we knew we wanted a girl. I reached in the cage and picked up a puppy that was so scared she was shaking like maracas. I could tell she wasn’t the one, because she just sat in my hands, didn’t cuddle or lick my hands. I reached in again and picked up Stella (she had no name at the breeder) and her tail was wagging 150 miles per hour, and she nuzzled into my arms.

She sat in my lap curled up in a little ball the whole car ride home. We got home and she ate a whole bowl of food and her tail was wagging 100 mph. We knew Blue just needed a friend to play with, and was so happy when we brought her home.

I knew I could tell she was the one, always energetic and happy, (although she can act like an old lady sometimes). he is my best friend. She gets concerned if I am sad or upset, And super happy and excited if I am laughing.

My dogs Blue Bear and Stella complete our family. Now, Blue Bear is 4 years old and, 105 pounds of bear. His name was originally Blue, but my dad had always wanted a dog named Bear, but didn’t want to confuse him because his name from the shelter was Blue, and he truly is a bear! Stella is now 3 years old and, 65 pounds of billy goat. We call her a billy goat, because if you are just chilling on the couch and she decides she wants cuddle she comes over to you and pushes her head into your side and doesn’t stop. They both think they are lap dogs. From getting my new dogs I now know that is important to get over the past and move on to the future. The  future sometimes treats you better than the past.

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