Hygiene | Teen Ink


December 12, 2016
By aanikan2 SILVER, New City, New York
aanikan2 SILVER, New City, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What a Time, to be Alive

Dear Unhygienic Public Gum Chewers,


Sitting in class, gazing at the clock and hoping for time to fly by. Barely being able to keep my head up or my body somewhat straight to make it seem as though I was paying attention, I leaned back in my chair with total relaxation. Ready to make it through the day and get through the period, I was ready to act tentative. With no energy left in me, I grab below my desk to pull in my chair and sit straight.

Ew. What. Is. That. My forefingers grabbed something and it did not feel like the underneath of a table. It was a strange consistency of soft and moldable, but sticky. Of course as soon my finger felt that unfamiliar substance, it immediately moved, but that moment of concern was etched into my mind. After processing it for a little longer than a millisecond, I knew what it was and I wish I didn’t. It was the remnant of the chewable pink rubber doused in saliva of some sloppy kids mouth.

But hey, I’m not judging the gum chewing, I’m a gum chewing sucker, i love it. But never, have I ever (nor will I ever) stick my nasty germ filled fruity flavored rubber under a desk as it awaits it’s next victim. My fingers could easily have gotten stuck to the table underneath, with no consent of my fingers to be touched or stuck to. Forced to face the filth from students felt unfair. Next time, keep the remnants of your gum elsewhere, somewhere I, and others, are not subjected to feeling it without a warning.          



The girl with sticky fingers

The author's comments:

This piece comes from a place of angst and annoyance. It just so happens to be one of my pet peeves when people leave gum beneath a chair or a desk. True story.

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