Shattered | Teen Ink


December 21, 2016
By emidennis88 BRONZE, Napa, California
emidennis88 BRONZE, Napa, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hope is like a road in a country, there was never a road, but when many people walk on it the road comes into existence

Every day is a hard day. I dont show it anymore there's no point. The times I express that I am having a bad day, I am often shut down. People say “your life is perfect, you have nothing to complain about.” Their true I have an amazing life, I am so very lucky to have the things that I have, but I am missing one thing. I’m missing a mom, the thing that balanced everything out for me. The person I depended on most and that I really just need, but will never have again. I used to think about that, what if one of my parents died, it seemed impossible. But as they say nothing is impossible, it happened, and just like that and i'm left to pick myself up and glue the millions of pieces back together. I just had to get up and keep going, I didn't get time to stop and think. And in the blink of an eye I was back in school struggling to stay afloat. Between keeping my grades up struggling to hold myself together the glue was wearing thin and I was starting to fall apart, I was about to shatter. I keep re` applying the glue trying to salvage the remaining fragments but the bottle is almost empty. I just want all the pieces to fit together and stay, but the glue takes time to dry, and time heals all so for now I need to just keep myself from shattering.

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