The Sport That Has Made Me Who I Am | Teen Ink

The Sport That Has Made Me Who I Am

September 28, 2017
By paydensearl BRONZE, Hemet, California
paydensearl BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sports, the one thing that keeps me going no matter what. My life definitely wouldn’t be the same without them, especially soccer. Soccer has been apart of my life since I was four years old and I haven’t stopped playing the sport since. My life has revolved around the blissful sport that has made me who I am. Soccer has taught me so much about life, lessons that I’ve been blessed to have learned by the beautiful sport. It has taught me to always work hard for what you want and to never give up because your hard work will always eventually pay off. Soccer has equipped me to have patience in things and learn to overcome even the toughest of obstacles. The moment I step foot onto a soccer field all of my stress and worries get sucked out of me like a vacuum taking up the dirt off of an old carpet in an abandoned house. Nothing compares to the way I feel when the top of my blue laces touch the outer layer on the slightly dirty soccer ball that has just been freshly pumped full of air. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I can just free my mind of everything. Soccer is when I can let everything out that I’m feeling, my stress, anger, happiness, and so much more. There is a sense of freedom I get when running down the sidelines of the field, and hearing the crowd cheer you on as you try your hardest to get the ball in the back of the net. Soccer for me is something that is extremely important in my life and there is no way I could manage to get through the days, hours, weeks, months, and even years of my life without it.

The author's comments:

My inspiration for this was the sport itself, it has provided me with happiness and life lessons. 

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