Sliding in Softball | Teen Ink

Sliding in Softball

February 13, 2015
By Ashley LeConti BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Ashley LeConti BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
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Once there was a girl named Inez, she was running the bases in softball and then she slid too late and got hurt and had to sit out the rest of the game. Sliding is a very important in softball. When girls get to the Minor league they get the privilege to slide. Some girls ask their coach, ”Why do we have to slide?” Sliding is a very important way to get under the tag and almost always get to the base. There are lots of ways to slide like the pop-up, the hook, the dive and the “4” slide. What slide do you use? The basic slide is the “4” slide. Coaches are required to teach the girls how to slide. In the Marlborough Girls Softball girls are not allowed to dive. The girl are not allowed to dive because it is illegal and they could hurt themselves if they do not dive correctly. Sliding in softball is like Goldilocks it has to be just right. If you are a softball player and you are trying to improve your slide practice or try the pop-up, the hook or the “4” slide. I don’t recommend diving if you do not have a professional to teach you. So don’t be like Inez, learn how to slide!

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