How to Have a Water Fight | Teen Ink

How to Have a Water Fight

April 5, 2013
By CarMur BRONZE, Chiang Mai, Other
CarMur BRONZE, Chiang Mai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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A word to the wise ain&#039;t necessary - it&#039;s the stupid ones that need the advice. <br /> --Bill Cosby

Water fights are fun. Stereotypical water fights usually start with a hot summer day and the need to cool down. Sometimes a fight starts when washing the car, or maybe receiving water balloons and having the urge to use them. Most families have probably experienced the backyard water fights, and these grow when families get together for family reunions. Some of you may believe that these water fights in the back yard with hoses and water balloons are big. I’ve seen bigger. In Thailand we have annual, country-wide, water fights. During the hottest season of the year everyone participates in a ritual of water throwing as an excuse to cool down. These few days are scheduled mid-April every year and everyone enjoys a few days off work to join in the festival. In the Thai language this is known as “song kran”, or the water festival. In this essay I will be giving you the four-one-one on how to traditionally take part in the water fight, in Thailand.
The first and probably main ingredient is a car, the right type of car. Because you are legally allowed to ride in the back of pick-up trucks in Thailand, pick-up trucks are the way to go. It gives you enough area to move around and to stretch out your arms when throwing a bucket full of water. The amount of room also permits for a large group to go together as no roof is limiting, and standing room is plentiful. So the most common type of car you will see on the roads during this time of year are, of course, pick-up trucks with many bodies piled into the back.
The second component needed in order to be a worthy challenger in this game is ice. Each family or group will drop off a tall bucket full of water at an ice factory overnight and the next day have a solid brick of ice. In the scorching heat on the mid-April day, the ice does not stay frozen for long, and quite soon the group is equipped with bitter cold water ready to drench complete strangers. The colder the water, the more your opponents will fear you. This is the key weapon in the game. Just with these two elements you will be able to face the traffic-jammed roads with confidence.

As thai people like to be continually active, they also have an entertainment factor if you ever want to get out of the car. The third factor includes powder balls. At this time of year ‘powder balls’ will be sold along every roadside. These substances have a completely different name in the thai language, but they begin as a solid powder, it will rub off and break into your hands if you are too rough. Once mixed in a pinch of water, the substance will become gooey and stick to your fingers. The “powder balls” are sold in the shape and size of Hershey kisses, in packs of approximately 20 per bag. The use of this is that once the solid has become a gooey solution, the gummy powder is used to rub onto a friend’s body parts, commonly the cheeks and arms. Some believe the powder is even healthy for your skin and will make it softer, I have never felt that affect myself. I have also heard that it makes great sunscreen! So it will work as protection for white people, even though it looks funny yet traditional!
WARNINGS: Do not play if Aquaphobic

Do not wear clothing you could drown in

Do not use powder, if allergic

Do not roll down windows if a desire for a wet car is not in the near future.
This specific annual event is very special to me. It’s an important time of year for Thai people, to come together as a nation and have a holiday on the three hottest days of the year. Song Kran is a fabulous holiday and is a must-do if ever in Thailand in April.

The author's comments:
This is an extremely fun tradition to participate in year after year here in Thailand.

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on Feb. 11 2024 at 10:59 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 126 comments

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Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

Sounds, sorry

on Feb. 11 2024 at 10:58 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

Now I want to go to Thailand during this event! It oaunds so fun!