Why I Am Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Why I Am Proud to be an American

November 10, 2014
By Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the road travels on, so do our lives as we go from one place to the next, but wherever you travel, you don't know where the roads might take you.

I am proud to be an American because I get to go on long road trips with my family. I have been taking road trips with my family since the first years of my life. Even though the car ride might get uncomfortable and my brother and I might start fighting, theres no other feeling like being out of the vast roads of America. I enjoy the feeling of getting out of the car and exploring, from big cities, to farmland, to the ocean’s there's so much to see.

I remember going to Colorado; I was so excited because I had never seen the mountains. I have traveled across America, seeing everything from the Statue of Liberty, to Niagara Falls and all the way to the the Florida Keys. But I had never seen anything quite as amazing as the mountains in Colorado. We drove up and down the sides of the mountains. We even drove straight through the center of the mountains. But wherever we drove, the road was still underneath us leading us to a new destination and a new opportunity to explore the long stretched roads of America.

I am proud to live in America because we have a variety of places and landmarks open for anyone to visit. I am proud that I get the opportunity to go on road trips and explore with my family. As the road travels along over the mountains, so do are leaves and I hope as I get older, I can pass these adventures and the American tradition of road trips on to my children.


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