Naga-waukee Park | Teen Ink

Naga-waukee Park

April 23, 2015
By Yellick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Yellick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let school get in the way of your education.

A true treasure of Waukesha County is Naga-waukee Park. With a combination of sandy beaches, comforting campgrounds, and the whispering waters of Nagawicka Lake, Naga-waukee Park is a great environment for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages.
Entering Naga-waukee Park down Mariner Drive, a large hill leading down to the Nagawicka boat launch, clusters of boats harbor in the marina.  To the left there is a boardwalk that loops around to the beach, where children and sandcastles can be found baking in the sun.  The rectangular sandbox of a beach is accompanied with a grassed picnic area with plentiful picnic tables and grills for the communities use.
If you like this park as much as I do then you have the option to stay there overnight. Up the hill hidden in the woods, can be found the Naga-waukee Campground with thirty four campsites, with paths leading down to the beach.  These campsites are spacious and include fire pits, picnic tables and a great view of the lake. 
Aside from the beach and the campgrounds, is Nagawicka Lake itself.  Unlike other lakes in the Lake Country area, Nagawicka has calm clean waters perfect for swimming, tubing or water-skiing.  Memories of my childhood float in these waters.
As a kid, I took Naga-waukee Park for granted, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized how special it really is.  The water may be shallow but the treasure of happiness is overflowing in the hearts of the people that inhabit it.

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