Ciao Amore | Teen Ink

Ciao Amore

October 6, 2015
By alexavalencia BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
alexavalencia BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you want a delicious, authentic, and mind blowing Italian meal, then Ciao Amore is the place is for you. It is located on 1134 18th Street in Chicago. This restaurant provides a variety of Italian meals such as vesuvio, lasagna, tortellini, linguini, and many more. Ciao Amore is a small and cozy place to enjoy your meal. There is soft music that is played in the background and it feels as if you are in Italy. The restaurant is available for any occasion. It is family friendly, but it is always packed. The longest time I had to wait was thirty minutes, due to the restaurant being small. My advice is to call for a reservation so you will not be waiting in line for very long. The waiters are patient and absolutely wonderful. If you have a question about your meal, simply ask. They will happily respond.

After you have ordered, the waiter will come back with amazing bread that is warm to the touch. They also offer appetizers, such as bruschetta, if you are still hungry for more. My personal favorite meal is lasagna. The sauce, meat, and cheese are perfectly combined. There is no such thing as too little or too much. My favorite part of the lasagna is the ricotta cheese. It is gooey, delicious, and satisfying. It does arrive hot, so you need to be careful before you dine-in.

I am also a close friend with the chef, Caesar. He is always happy to see that his customers come out of his restaurant full and filled with joy with the meal that they have eaten. As Caesar would say, “Mangiamo!”

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