As the Crow Flies | Teen Ink

As the Crow Flies

April 2, 2024
By juniperleafdelivery BRONZE, Costa Mesa, California
juniperleafdelivery BRONZE, Costa Mesa, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I like it, and that's the only bar I need to clear


In a faraway kingdom where dragons and spirit magic thrives, Corvus is a carefree teenager who's about to realize the responsibilities that come with growing up. After a disastrous attempt at coming out to his parents, he sets off on a journey to slay the dragon. For glory and the princess's hand in marriage, right? For glory and the princess's hand in marriage, right...?

Corvus didn't put that much thought into the decision, it turns out. With his spirit mark recently obtained, will he be able to expel the dragon? Find out in this twist on the conventional "knight slays dragon" fairy tale, with the valuable lessons of defining yourself and finding where you truly belong.


As the Crow Flies

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