The uprising of commoners | Teen Ink

The uprising of commoners

May 22, 2024
By Jerrywu, Nanjing, Other
Jerrywu, Nanjing, Other
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Egbert has witnessed the stark contrast between the luxurious lives of the elites and the suffering of the commoners. This deepens his resolve to fight for change. Egbert's personal motivations are rooted in the tragic deaths of his father and friend Miguel, both victims of a mining accident caused by the negligence of the elite class.

After witnessing more inequality as well as betrayal, Egbert's journey culminates with a speech in the dilapidated city of Hope, where he rallies the commoners to rise against the oppressive elites. His powerful oration draws attention to the injustices faced by the common people and calls for unity and rebellion. Despite being arrested after his speech, Egbert's message ignites a spark among the commoners. His words resonate deeply, stirring a collective consciousness and awakening a sense of shared purpose.

My fiction delves into Egbert's internal struggle and determination to find allies who share his vision of a fair and just Verdia. It highlights the broader theme of collective action against entrenched systems of power and privilege, illustrating the strength that comes from unity and shared purpose in the face of oppression. Egbert's courage and sacrifice inspire others to join the fight for justice, setting the stage for a larger rebellion that challenges the status quo.

Zhiyuan W.

The uprising of commoners

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