The Murder of Dr. Kasperski | Teen Ink

The Murder of Dr. Kasperski

December 15, 2022
By JGarcia1118, Fort Worth, Texas
More by this author
JGarcia1118, Fort Worth, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wasn’t told I was going to be in a movie. That’s because this wasn’t a movie. This was real. This really happened. And now my friends and I are under investigation. The wall and floor was covered in blood. The blood belonged to Dr.Kasperski. He wasn’t actually a doctor but a famous novelist. The author of the book “Who Caught Me With Your Money” and “You Are Not The One For Me”. I didn’t know him. I actually just met him tonight and now he’s dead. My friends were the ones who convinced me to join them. Look at what that bringed me into. We were put into the lounge while the detectives collected evidence. Or so I’ve been told. A detective was placed in the lounge to make sure we weren’t up to anything suspicious. I sat next to my childhood best friend Ava who was sitting calmly. 

“I can’t believe I let you convince me to join and now you're calm about the whole situation” I told Ava nervously. She looked at me with a confused face mixed with disbelief.

“Are you serious right now? What is wrong with you? Ava said with anger moving farther away from me. 

Ava’s voice reached the detective ears and brought her attention towards us.“What are you girls talking about? She asked. 

“Nothing. Can I just sit somewhere else to be alone?’ Ava asked the detective with an annoyed voice.  

The detective approved her request and Ava moved away from me. Right when we needed each other the most. 

“So what’s your name detective?” asked my other friend Rick.

I’ve known Rick because of my other friends Elliot and Sarah who became friends with Ava first and I was just there. Sometimes I fit in and sometimes I don’t. Can I even call them friends? 

She put on a smile and said “You can call me Detective Hills” her smile disappeared saying “now I want everyone in this room to be quiet.”

She got what she wanted and the only thing I could hear was breathing. I looked over at Sarah who was crying in silence and her body shaking feeling scared. I don’t even know what to do in that situation. So I pretend not to notice. I then looked over at Elliot who was falling asleep on the chair. Rick looked bored and Ava looked angry. If this was a movie everyone in this room would have looked suspicious. Having everyone on the edge of their seats guessing who is the killer. But everyone was just ready to go home and forget anything of what happened. It couldn’t have been any of us. Someone must have broken in somehow. Someone who was mad at Dr.Kasperski. Someone who wanted revenge. 

The other detectives who were collecting evidence came into the lounge and wanted one of my friends to go with them one at a time so that the detectives could interrogate them. Elliot went with them first. We all were nervous and scared of what would happen and how it would happen. The detectives came back in but without Elliott.

“Where's Elliot?” Sarah asked being concerned 

“OMG he killed Dr.Kasperski didn’t he? Rick said in disbelief

“He’s no killer!” Ava said angrily

The detective looked at Sarah and said “It is your turn young lady”

“Hey! You didn’t answer my question” Rick said, getting angry “You can’t just keep us locked up and not tell us what's going on.” 

“Either you have some information about what happened here tonight, you all stay here until we get to the bottom of this.” The detective said 

Rick sat back down feeling defeated. I appreciate his efforts. I looked back at Ava now slowly crying. I don’t understand what’s up with her. We all are feeling some type of level of nervousness and scared. We needed to be there for each other. Time flew by and then it was Rick’s turn to get integrated. Then Ava. I was the last one in the room with Detective Hills. I heard my name getting called by the detectives knowing that it was my turn. As I was getting up I felt nauseous and wanted to throw up. The detectives led me into the dining room and we sat down at the dining table.

“We will start recording on 3..2..1 This is Detective Hopps I am here with..” Detective Hopps looks at me waiting

“Har…Harley Pina” I said as my voice shakes

“Now Miss Pina,did you know Dr.Kasperski?”


“Why did you come here to Dr.Kasperski house?”

“I don’t go out much so my friends invited me to join them to this ritzy party at Dr.Kasperski house” 

“When your friends mention this ritzy party at Dr. Kasperski, a man who you do not know, you didn’t feel anything suspicious?”

“I did think it was weird going to an old man's house but I didn’t want to feel left out. I now know that’s dumb look at what that got me into.”

“Who found Dr.Kasperski's body?”


“Ava who? you gotta give a last name”

(Sigh) “Ava Johnson”

“And where were you before the murder happened?”

“I was in the upstairs bathroom”

“How were you notified that Dr.Kasperski was murdered?”

“I heard Ava Johnson’s loud screams and I ran towards the screams to see what was going on” 

“Okay….. What were you doing before going to the bathroom? Were you still upstairs or downstairs?”

“I was….I…I don’t remember”

“Okay…why’s that?”

“I don’t remember….I think I had another episode”

“Episode?...What type of episode?”

“I don’t remember how long this has been going on but I have these episodes where I don’t remember moments in my days…. It’s like my brain blacks out but my body still moves and people still talk to me….and I respond back it’s like I’m awake but I'm not then I later wake up and I don’t remember anything” 

“Have you ever been diagnosed? Or looked by a doctor?”

“No, my family doesn’t have the money but so far It hasn’t been a problem”

“Well you are in a problem now and you remembering would be a great help… good thing Ava said that she remembers talking to you when you told her you were going to the bathroom. Do you remember talking to Ava?”

(GASP) “I do remember now… and then after that I woke up in the bathroom in the middle of washing my hands.”

“What were you and Ava talking about?”

“I remember Ava was really upset after talking to Dr.Kasperski”

“Did she tell you what was the conversation between her and Dr.Kasperski?”

“No, but it must have been not a great conversation if Ava was crying the way that she was”

“Do you ever get angry?”

“Yeah everyone feels anger”

“What do you do when you feel angry?  

“I don’t know… I guess… I just forget and let the situation go”

“Have you ever got so angry you think about causing the person pain or have you ever caused someone pain before?”

“I….I can’t recall me every going to that extreme”

“Because of your blackouts”

“What are you trying to say? That my black outs are caused by my anger?”

“By the looks of the evidence it seems so”

“What evidence? I didn’t do anything and I didn’t go near the body so what possible evidence do you have? The last time I checked you are not a doctor!”

“You're right I’m not a doctor but I am a detective and I am good at putting the pieces together. By the looks of your friends' side of the story yours fit perfectly into the puzzle. 

“I didn’t do anything I swear!”

“That’s what you remember but you said when you black out you don’t remember”

“Right but that doesn’t mean I kill him! Why would I do that?!”

“Well unfortunately for Ava she said that Dr.Kasperski approached her in a sexual manner. She later said that she ran into you on the way out of the room crying and told you of the events that happened. You got angry and demanded to call the police. She refused and told you to forget about it then you told her you were heading to the bathroom she then went downstairs. You then had an episode in which you said that you're still awake and able to move and speak. So you snuck inside the room Dr.Kasperski was in, pretending to be into him and then hung his body up on the wall where there was an animal horn that went through his stomach and killed him. Then backing away as fast as you can, leaving a little to no blood on your clothes.”

“So Ava told you what Dr.Kasperski did to her and you believe her? Is she telling the truth?”


“Then I guess I’m guilty for murdering that disgusting piece of garbage”


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This book has 1 comment.

Bayzoul SILVER said...
on Dec. 20 2022 at 10:02 am
Bayzoul SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
9 articles 2 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
no matter how big or how small, you can make a huge change in this giant world -paris white-lenard<br /> <br /> “Every moment of life is precious and can never happen again.” –<br /> <br /> spend as much time every day with your family and loved ones because you never know when that day is your last.<br /> - Paris white-lenard

I love it!!! it is so cool. you have a good sense of horror.