Humans Need to Stop Animal Abuse to Protect Themselves | Teen Ink

Humans Need to Stop Animal Abuse to Protect Themselves

December 17, 2018
By Biancafaciane BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Biancafaciane BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many animal lives are filled with abuse, neglect, and torture. These gruesome descriptions are created by humans. Humans are allowed to display an aggressive dominance over animals because animals have no rights.  

Animals are in desperate need of protection from harmful experimentations. Creating an Bill of Rights for animals will not only  protect them, but will protect humans from the negatives repercussion of their abuse.

Many forms of products have gone through animals experimentation; Windex, Post-it-Notes, Trojan condoms are some of  those items. Humans tried to argue that the use of animals are better than harming actual humans for testing. Unfortunately that argument is not as justified as  many humans think. In an article entitled “ Failure of Animal Model”, written by NAVS (Advancing Science Without Harming Animals), explains how certain animals have caused many misleading results in testing. This is because of the natural and essential differences between humans and other species.  

NAVS is not the only organization to see the less beneficial side of testing on animals. The organization PETA,  People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, made public news in the Washington Times for exposing failures in industries that animal test. The author and member of PETA, Michelle Kretzer, stated that “ More than 90% of animal experiments failed to lead to treatments for humans. While more than 95% of pharmaceutical drugs that test safe and effective on animals failed in human clinical trials.”  The testing on animals is not always successful, so why do we still use them for testing?

Creating an Bill of Rights can solve the abuse in the experiments and lower the chances of humans becoming victims to false results. It also allow other alternate test subjects to get popularity.

In 2007, an article was published in the New York Times explaining a new advancements  with donated human cells. Author, Barnaby Feder, explains that there are snippets of human skin, eyes, the lining of the throat and other tissues are becoming replacements for animals in experiments. There have already been cases where liver cells and other human tissues have been able to react to current drugs faster and differently from animals being testing by the same drug.

Even in 2007, humans had the technology advances to end testing on animals the only reason why it still exist today is because of personhood.  

In an article written by Jessica Pierce from Psychology Today, there are known philosophers that have concerned that being an “person” is to be a member of moral community, thus deserving of rights and respected treatment. This definition of the word“person” plays into the reason why personhood  can not be granted to animals, however animals do not need all of personhood. Animals need enough personhood to stop the abuse, neglect, and torture inflicted on them and punish those who break the Bill of Rights for animals.

Many humans refuse to give animals personhood because they do not care about the emotional and physical state of animals. However there are many times where drugs have gone out into the public deemed safe because of animal testing; instead  the drugs cause dangerous effects on humans. In an article written by April Klazema, it talks about how the public has been victims of false tests for years.

A sleeping pill tested on animals was released into the public. It was soon reported that thousands of babies were born with birth defects. Later on, a heart pill tested on mice was released to the public. This pill caused 30,000 consumers to experiences heart attacks. The animals were perfectly healthy in both cases without any health problems, however the humans were not.  

Humans and animals are not the same. They are forced into the same  testing category because of small connections between the two species. What humans do not realize is  that they do not need animal testing. Their naïveness towards creating an Bill of Rights, is actually making it harder for humans to protect themselves from false testing. Allowing millions of humans to become victims to birth defects, heart attacks, cancer, and several other health problems. Do not become one of these victims, instead protect yourself.

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