Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By ABalsano10 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
ABalsano10 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
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I’m going to be talking about three stories that we have been reading over the last couple weeks. I think dystopian literature experiencing is such a rise in popularity today because in all the stories we read everyone was warped into thinking they lived in a perfect world, if our world was like that today no\ one would succeed. That is why we need real world problems and limits, not everyone can do whatever they want.

Harrison Bergeron is a dystopian world because in the story it has examples of a perfect utopian society, and how in the future it has illusions of how the world would be like if it was perfect. My first example of the “perfect world” is “All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th and 213th amendments of the constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the united states Handicapper general” The centrals made specific amendments about everything  being equal and fair as well as everyone. The centrals do everything for you, so you have no chance of getting hurt because they live in a perfect world, centrals do everything for you. They were going about 125 mph and about 3 feet apart but nothing happened because the central was in control. “ The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal in every which way”. If you lived in a world where not everyone was equal and people would get into fights over it like today, you would have a lot of problems.

Ten With The Flag is a dystopian world and is an illusion of a perfect world because they control what you do and how the people act. My first example “ A demotion? Jonnie said. I can’t believe that. No, I said, nodding toward the speaker panel on the dashboard”. This is an example of the citizens being in constant surveillance. My second is  “ Your child is a ten, sir.’ That should be enough to make you forget about the flag. Well it doesn’t. It certainly didn’t keep Central from issuing the flag. Why would they have issued a flag unless there was some concern”. This is an example of questioning the existing systems because Johnnie is questioning the centrals but, the centrals are supposed to always be right. A central assigned a flag to their child.

The veldt is a dystopian world because they control what people think and try to manipulate them to thinking they live in a perfect world. My first reason is “ They walked down the hall of their HappyLife Home, which cost them thirty thousand dollars with everything included”. This is an example of technolgical control because the house that George and Lydia Hadley live in is controlled by technology to where they don’t have to do anything and machines do it for them. My second reason is “ Matter of fact, we’re thinking of turning the whole house off for about a month. Live sort of a happy family existence”. This is an example of living in a dehumanized state because the father wants to turn all of the technology that controls everything because he wants to live in world finally free of machines.

In conclusion I think that we need to have problems in our world, we will never have a “perfect world”. I think dystopian literature is so popular today because everyone wants to know what perfect worlds are like. Books and stories are like escapes so if someone is so upset with their life they would definitely want an escape to a perfect world, and these stories and examples just prove my point.

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