Why Is Dystopian Literature Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By Anonymous

A lot of people like to read dystopian stories because its a view of a “perfect” world, to escape reality, and it shows what could be a future. A dystopian world is a higher power controlled world to where it makes the people in it believe its a “perfect” world and everyone is equal. Many people enjoy reading dystopian stories for many reasons. Everyone has a different reason, but I’ll help you to better understand only a few of the reasons people read dystopian literature.

Reading dystopian literature holds people's attention, because it gives them an idea of what a perfect world would be like. Many believe a perfect world would make them happier, because living in a world without imperfections would essentially mean they’d never have doubts, feel pain, or live with sadness. “All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.” They make them wear these handicaps, so they don’t go against them; making believe they’re in a perfect world. The use of handicaps in the story restricts their ability to think about  problems that could be occurring in society. The handicaps doesn’t give the characters any other option, but that to forget all negative things happening in the world. This makes them think their world is perfect. Hazel had an average intelligence level. This meant she was not capable of thinking about anything for than a couple of seconds. She was only capable of thinking about a certain topic for short amounts of time. George had an outstanding intelligence level. His intelligence level was way above normal. This forced him to have a mental handicap radio in his ear. Dystopian literature provides the thought of a perfect world, and that makes many people content with themselves and the world.

Another way that people read dystopian stories is to escape their reality and go into a new one to think about. Because our world is very much imperfect we read dystopian stories; for just a short amount of time it’s possible for us to escape the real world. Reading these books/stories lets us, as humans in an imperfect world, believe we are located in a perfect world. “They walked down the hall of their HappyLife Home, which had cost them thirty thousand dollars with everything included. This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them. Their approach was sensed by a hidden switch and the nursery light turned on when they came within ten feet of it. Similarly, behind them, in the halls, lights went on and off automatically as they left them behind.” It is a completely fake reality with a house that has everything and does everything for you and you don’t have to do anything. Reading just a quote, like the one provided, lets you escape reality for just a short amount of time. After reading something, such as a dystopian story, you are lead to think about what life would be like if you had things, like a house that does everything for you. “The room was silent and empty. The walls were white and two dimensional. Now, as George and Lydia Hadley stood in the center of the room, the walls made a quiet noise and seemed to fall away into the distance. Soon an African veldt appeared, in three dimensions, on all sides, in color. It looked real to the smallest stone and bit of yellow summer grass. The ceiling above them became a deep sky with a hot yellow sun.” A nursery that can interpret what you’d love the room to be is something no one imagines having, but when they read a dystopian story that makes you feel what having a nursery that does that would feel like. Having the feeling that you have to do close to nothing is an unimaginable feeling until you read a dystopian story.

I believe people read dystopian stories is because they are based in the future and people find that interesting. People enjoy thinking about what the future has in store. One example is ten when a flag said, “There was nothing else to do but sit back and enjoy the ride. We were just passengers. Central had control.”  They didn’t have to do anything, because it was controlled by the central. This is what people want, because it’s futuristic.

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