My Modest Proposal | Teen Ink

My Modest Proposal

January 29, 2019
By cedricvdd BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
cedricvdd BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Subtitle: A modest proposal for preventing the people in our world from making global warming worse and from ruining and destroying our world.  

It is a pity how our beautiful world could be gone in a matter of years, how everything we know could be lost, and this world would never exist again. Everything we have accomplished would all be for nothing and there would be no life on earth. This is what I fear might happen to us in the near future because of global warming. Some of our most powerful leaders have failed to recognize this problem as they say it is not an ‘important problem in our world’. However, luckily I have a solution that will change our earth forever.

I have contemplated this issue for days now, until the solution to it finally hit me. Throughout our world, there have been increasingly more threats to our world leaders. As a result, numerous powerhouse nations have prepared themselves for the worst. As now the world leaders have immediate access to a series of highly dangerous weapons like a nuclear bomb. Therefore, my sincerely modest proposal to end global warming is to let powerful countries fight against each other or in other words start a series of wars. This would allow countries to show their anger towards each in a form of violence. This would force the population to decrease in numbers because so many people would be killed. Meaning that there would be less pollution and the rest of the people, that would be still alive, would be saved from global warming.

This profound idea would surely work due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the world leaders and countries would gladly be fighting their enemies because they would be able to destroy them with their most powerful weapons. Secondly, this proposal would eradicate pollution because large amounts of people would be killed because of the nuclear bombs. I have calculated that around ⅓ of our current world population or 2.56 billion citizens of our world would be killed. Thirdly, everyone would be willing to agree to this idea because sooner or later they would die anyway because it isn’t an important issue as some might say. If they will agree they would have a 66% chance of survival instead of a 0% chance of survival if we don’t address the problem. Fourthly, when this idea comes into play, we would be able to have oil for everyone for a longer period of time. Fifthly, people would become richer because there would be more resources for everyone. Lastly, everyone who survived would be happier with their life.

This amazing solution could be and is going to be the solution to global warming. Although, some might say that nuclear bombs would be able to destroy our world. I, however, have calculated that these bombs could surely not destroy our world. In fact, an estimated 500,000 nuclear bombs would be enough to ruin our world. Others might also say that we would never be able to recover from this so-called ‘tragedy’, but in fact, we have more than enough resources to recover from this event that would happen. As you can see, this modest proposal is perfect for our world.

In conclusion, global warming is a serious issue that can be adequate by my modest proposal to start a series of wars, which will ultimately decline our world population. Therefore, we would have less population, fewer citizens, and more equal wealth in our world.

The author's comments:

My name is Cedric and I am a sophomore in high school. This is my modest proposal, similar to that of Swift's 'Modest Proposal. This piece is not meant to be taken literally as it is a satirical piece meant to highlight important issues in our society. 

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