Sprint: It's Time to Change | Teen Ink

Sprint: It's Time to Change

March 31, 2019
By adnanahmed0014 BRONZE, Montville, New Jersey
adnanahmed0014 BRONZE, Montville, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sprint is one of the most popular services known to the world, but not as the best. As an American telecommunications company, the service being provided is as bad as it can get. There are multiple errors in the company’s market strategy and, more importantly, the internet service provided to the customers. The current CEO is doing nothing to help the company reach successful heights, but this can be changed. As the new CEO of Sprint, many new changes have to be made, including the market strategies, target audience, advertisements, service, reliability, and customer service.

     When it comes to internet service, Sprint is always the last company thought about due to the terrible job the company does reaching out to its target audience. The company has absolutely no idea how to plan and execute their plan considering their audience. As the company’s current target audience focuses and spends time and money on all groups, the new target audience should only consider adults as a target audience for they will be the only age group with the possibility of purchasing the company’s service. This will eliminate the time and money spent on targeting the youth and spend more time focusing on a target audience that will have a reason to be targeted. The adults will be the only age group that is able to become customers of Sprint, and from there it will pass on to the youth.

     The biggest way how companies show themselves to the world is through advertisements. Another huge failure of Sprint is the lacking of successful advertisements. A couple of decades ago, billboards were one of the greatest techniques for advertising, but today they mean nothing. As technology is progressing at an exceptionally fast rate, Sprint needs to keep up with the pace. Making new changes would include cutting expenses for most to all advertising on platforms that do not include technology which includes billboards, newspapers, and the radio. These current advertising techniques that Sprint uses is much of a variety that wastes a lot of Sprint’s time and money. The new changes will allow Sprint to be able to spend more time and money on technological advertisements. These technological advertisements will include advertising on social media, TV, and running online ads on websites like google and youtube. The new advertisements will be the key to showing the world this company and will without a doubt, skyrocket the business.

As Sprint is trying to progress, the customer service is only getting worse. When customers are trying to fix something or get answers through the phone from Sprint, it is guaranteed that Sprint will give an answer, but it is not guaranteed that those answers will be accurate. Giving wrong information to customers is a huge step backward for the company in terms of customer service. The only way to fix a problem like this and improve customer service is by only hiring the newest and most advanced employees in the field of technology, preferably younger employees. The company should then fire the employees that have no knowledge in the field of technology like seniors in the company as they would most likely have the weakest knowledge. Getting rid of these employees and hiring efficient workers will ultimately make the company stronger as the employees with knowledge will be able to correctly give customer service and the weaker employees will not even receive a chance.

Service and reliability have been talked about time and time again as it is the most significant problem the company holds. The service Sprint gives to its very less amount of customers is unbearable as it only covers 27% of the United States. The worst part is that this service does not even work most of the time. The fact that customers pay for service and don’t receive it most of the time is outrageous to the customers. The customers expect to receive full service when they pay for it, but the customers stay quiet due to the cheap price. Now, if you look at the competition like Verizon, it is the complete opposite. Verizon has a high price set but the customers stay quiet due to the excellent service that they provide to their customers. The difference between the two companies is that Verizon is successful in the market with the highest stocks compared to At&t, T Mobile, and Sprint is the least successful in the market compared with the four companies with the lowest stocks. Sprint should invest its money in being able to provide the best service and then recover from its money by placing a high amount to the customers for giving service along with a little more money that will allow profit for the company. Sprint should first start out with giving its current customers excellent service, then gradually increase the price while new customers will start to purchase the service of Sprint. This way Sprint will also start to gain a better reputation and the company will also begin to progress in increasing stocks.

 As the new CEO of Sprint, many new changes have to be made including the market strategies, target audience, advertisements, service, reliability, and customer service. The new market strategies should include a change in the target audience, a change in advertisements, and the biggest change would be in Sprint’s service. Sprint’s values should change as they should spend more of their time and money in improving their service and reliability which will show drastic improvements in the company’s progress. Sprint’s new changes will allow the reputation of Sprint to gradually look better and more customers will eventually start to purchase Sprint’s services. Sprint will be on it’s road to success.

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