2019 Entrepreneurship Essay Contest- How to outsmart Amazon | Teen Ink

2019 Entrepreneurship Essay Contest- How to outsmart Amazon

April 19, 2019
By Pinkpython100 BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
Pinkpython100 BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."

Amazon has been tasked with perfecting the online consumer experience from start to finish, eventually dominating brick and mortar companies with a “global superstore”. To decide to be a simple competitor of Amazon will no longer be enough to generate sustainable. The exponential growth of this eventual billion dollar company requires a game changer. Here’s how:

To compete against Amazon as a co-founder of a startup, new ideas must be formed. Expending energy and capital on beating a Goliath like Amazon on selling everything is futile. Instead, innovation must be brought by doubling down on the work of freelancers, one of the up and coming occupations of the early 21st century, while providing the goods aspect as well. We’d have freelancers’ copywrite to even further entice customers will make the start-up well known, since marketing isn’t really used in e-commerce to its full advantage. Updating customer service techniques, recommendations, and reviews to make them more accurate would allow customers to gain even more of a sense of trust. Utilizing highly detailed AI to separate overwhelming clutter and limit it to what customers would actually want while also sorting out vague customer reviews and emphasizing detailed explanations would be prioritized. But what we provide that Amazon couldn’t replicate would be expanding on the one industry Amazon has prevented themselves from going into. Our investments would dive deep into a lifestyle that Amazon hasn’t cracked, mainly luxury items, and become dominant in that field through our recommendation methods. Amazon couldn’t change their long lasting image of simple items to fit this brand into their own. Gaining a reputation in this would allow a seismic shift in e-commerce, and eventually a change in the status quo of what large e-commerce stores can sell with what level of reliability and trust.

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