This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

May 6, 2019
By faithreveal BRONZE, Pittsfield, Illinois
faithreveal BRONZE, Pittsfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When my father passed away the summer of my sophomore year, I was traumatized. I was 16 years old. I needed him to be there and to raise me because my step mother wasn’t very supportive of me. I ended up falling into a deep place. Fortunately I still had others to lean on. There were other people there to support and raise me. This is why I believe it takes a village to raise a child.

Community is an essential part in the upbringing of a child. The community we live in highly influences us. It determines our behavior, attitudes, customs, and religions. Teachers play a major factor in a child’s life.

My teachers are very supportive of me. Junior year was the most difficult for me. They were understanding and they gave me the time I needed to adjust to my new life. I went to them for advice. I went to them when I needed help dealing with the simple everyday things. This year when I moved out, they understood when I was having a tough day or needed to step out.

My guidance counselor, Mrs. Westbrook, and my principal, Mrs. Greger, always gave me whatever I needed whether it was just a talk or whether it was help getting food. They taught me the lessons that my dad couldn’t. From financial advice to life advice, they were there for everything. The beginning of this year I had some mental health issues. I was put on medication and missed a lot of school. Mrs. Westbrook helped me through it all. She gave me a safe space to talk about my feelings. She taught me how to live with the everyday struggles.

Everything I know today is based on my community. Without my coworkers, I could never have moved out of my childhood home. I would have never learned how to provide for myself. My coworkers taught me how to live.

Part of raising a child is discipline. Growing up in a trailer park there were many people that yelled at me. I even got spanked by some of my neighbors. Don’t worry; my dad gave them permission to do it. Parents don’t always see everything their child does, and that is why the rest of the village gets to put up with us.

After my father died, my classmates came to my rescue. They gave me the love that I needed. They have continued to truly care for me ever since then, from giving me a Christmas tree to sitting with me while I was having a bad day. Even though they are just kids themselves, they played a major role in shaping me for my future.

Whether they were complete strangers or my best friend, everyone around me helped raise me into the woman I am today. I owe everything to them. That is why I believe it takes a village to raise a child.

The author's comments:

This is my piece that we are required to write our senior year of high school. 

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