Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

May 13, 2019
By Anonymous

My whole life I have always been an ambitious person. I have always wanted to do the best I can so I can succeed in whatever task is given to me. I always set goals for myself so I am able to do well with the tasks at hand. My parents raised me with the phrase, “be a good person and do good in school.” This phrase helps to remind me that the jobs I am given in life is to make sure I succeed in being a good person and do my very best in school. This reminds me that I need to strive for the best. Because of this phrase, I am constantly determined to do the best I can with school, relationships, sports, and any task or activity I am told to do. My ambition helps me to do well in school, succeed in sports or any activity, and be a supportive person.

Throughout my life, a vice that I have is anxiety or being anxious. Although I am a very ambitious person, I do have a lot of anxiety. Sometimes I get so determined to do well in something that I get very nervous and panicked. With school specifically, I am so determined to do well in everything that anxiety often gets the best of me and I go in a state of panic that I will not get something done, that I did not do an assignment, or that I do not remember the material on a test or quiz. This can be a huge problem because this state of panic affects me greatly. My anxiousness can make me second guess myself, completely forget something, other think the situation, or just completely freeze. All in all, even though I am very ambitious, my anxiety can sometimes get the best of me and become a distraction for the task given to me.

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