Free Medicine | Teen Ink

Free Medicine

October 17, 2019
By Anonymous

Medicine is a compound or preparation that in a lot of cases, can be the only hope in life or death situations. It can be a lifesaver, but it can also be terribly expensive. Different forms of medicine have been around since about 1500 B.C. It first started as a drug obtained from minerals and herbs. Now there are many types of stronger medicine from Advil to Chemotherapy. Separate medicines can cure illnesses as small as a headache or fever to major ones such as cancer or malaria. These products are a blessing to many people who can afford them, but what if you can’t? 

The average American spends about $1,200 per year on prescription drugs. This doesn’t even include the amount it would take if you were to get sick with a major disease or illness. One month of Chemotherapy for lung cancer can cost between $11,000-$12,000 a month. Studies show that without this treatment, patients can die within less than one year of diagnosis. It is also shown that ⅓ of uninsured Americans can’t even afford their basic medications. This means they can't afford expensive treatment when needed, such as Chemotherapy. 

Medicine should be free for many reasons. First off, our health is the main aspect of our life. If you are sick and cannot afford the treatments that you need, there is most likely nothing you can do. The government says that they want to improve our lives, but how is that going to happen if the poor are still dying from diseases that were not cured. In addition, people sixty-five or older spend an average of over three percent on prescription drugs. It is also found that over 53% of senior citizens are under the poverty line, meaning they are not well-off financial wise. Cancer, respiratory and heart illnesses are some of the most common diseases known to kill senior citizens. They are also very expensive diseases to treat. If more than half of the senior citizens are already below the line of poverty, how would they be able to treat these diseases? The most obvious option is to make treatments free for all. Lastly, it is shown that hospitals can still make money by making treatments free. This has already become the case in some hospitals such as the Adyar Cancer Institute or the Southern Railway Hospital. Both of these places and more are still making money while making their medicine free. If they can do it, why can’t every other hospital do it as well? 

In conclusion, medicine should be made free because it could lower the death numbers, save family members and improve our lives. Our health is extremely important, and free medicine will help those with illnesses, diseases or sicknesses. It would help those who do not have the money to pay for prescription drugs or treatments. Free medicine would impact our world in ways imaginable. 


The author's comments:

My name is M. A. and I am from California. I chose this topic, because I feel very passionate about medicine being free. 

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