What Defines Beautiful | Teen Ink

What Defines Beautiful

November 7, 2019
By KylieNicolee BRONZE, Fort Smith, Arkansas
KylieNicolee BRONZE, Fort Smith, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When people think of beautiful, everyone sees and defines it differently. Which to me, is fascinating on how the human brain works within males and females. Some people may find blonde hair more attractive, brown eyes, or fair skin. Science proves that physical characteristics a variety. It’s said to be that babies can recognize a beautiful face when they see one. The one thing we all want is to be happy, and being beautiful appears to play a critical role in doing just that. Therefore pretty people always look perfectly happy on social media. But our instincts about what makes us happy are often wrong.
I believe that everyone is beautiful In the way God created us. But often times people aren’t as beautiful as they look, as they walk or as they talk. They are only as beautiful as they love, and as they care. “Beauty is overrated if it washes off in the rain”, is a quote I once heard. Men and women have both set standards to what features you must have or look like, to be beautiful. I believe in flaws, beauty cannot be bought and you can’t photoshop a personality. We all are art, and art isn’t supposed to look nice, but more entirely make you feel something. What makes a person beautiful is the way they are.

Our existence matters. Each and every individual has a unique identity. If happiness revolves around everything being perfect, then why do celebrities commit suicide, or why do wealthy people crave for a more simple life. Happiness starts from within. You have to own it. Work with what you got, because at the end of the day, all we have is ourselves. Nothing in this world is perfect, and I believe that beauty lies in someone's eyes if you see something beautiful with a vision of beauty, it will become beautiful. So don't set a standard or a beauty label, beauty is limitless and everyone is beautiful in their own way. 

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