Michael Vick? NFL? Should he play again? | Teen Ink

Michael Vick? NFL? Should he play again?

May 19, 2009
By Anonymous

You darn right, he should! That is like asking if you should put cheese on a cheeseburger. I mean why take this man, who is great at football, away from something he loves. Sure, he did some dog fights. But to all you animal lovers and Michael Vick haters, kiss my behind. You can’t take a player from the football game like that and expect him to be successful further on. The only thing he can probably do is just football. Show a little sympathy for this dude.

Okay, let us get back to this subject of Michael Vick and dog fighting. They are just dogs! It is not like he killed a dude or something. LET IT GO! He has said that he is sorry, so forgive him. Let him get back to his life of playing football, so us Michael Vick fans, can rejoice again. Even though this is stupid, it would really be a miracle if he could play again.

A petition is being sent around the United States, and to a few other countries, about keeping Michael Vick off the football field. BUMP THE PETITION! Why do other countries have to know about this little incident? Really ask yourself this question. Is this dog fighting, caused by Michael Vick, really a big deal? I know he is not the only person on the planet that does animal fights. Are you going to arrest all of those other people? Again, just let this thing go.

I have asked a variety of people with great opinions about this exact situation. They all seem to have their own flavor and spice, but they all mostly came to the same conclusion. ALLOW THIS MAN TO PLAY AGAIN! This has gone on long enough. I feel love for the animal lovers, but give the man a break. He made a mistake, and he said he would not do it again. I think that is fair enough.

In 2001, Michael Vick was one of the first football players chosen in the NFL Draft. Now from looking at just that amount of significant information, you can tell he is a very special brand of football player. The animal lovers and Michael Vick haters are really killing these football fans, because he was a big lost to NFL overall. The football fans thought it was stupid that Michael would do something like that. But that mess, is over. And because it is over, talking about it should be over.

Stating the obvious, I express gratitude to this man. Because the things they are doing, do not seem right. I would be outrageous, if I was him. But to me, he seems to be taking it very well. And for that, I respect him. These people should really think about not keeping him on that field. You are destroying the dream and aspiration he probably had for this sport when he was small. Why would you do that? Should he play again? Of course he should. He is a phenomenal player and he said he was sorry about what he had done. LET IT GO!

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 30 2009 at 2:50 am
thewriter7395 SILVER, Fordsville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments
They found scores of dogs on his property, shot with little guns that would not kill them right away, but let them bleed to death inside. He strangled them and shot them. You may not like dogs or what, but dog fighting is against the law, and he broke it. He ain't the nicest guy. This guy, Vick, is a ----. Why are you supporting him?