A Take On Time | Teen Ink

A Take On Time

May 13, 2021
By mmaunu BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
mmaunu BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of time; past, present, and future. These tenses have been engrained into our minds since we were children. When we think of time we think of the concept to be a straight horizontal line. This horizontal line gives us comfort, even if we aren't fully aware of the comfort it provides. That comfort was recently torn away from me, and I intend on tearing it away from as many people as I can. While we can recall things that have happened before our current present, that doesn't solidify the concept of the past. The past and the future do not exist. All we experience is the constant changing of the present. This alters what we consider our reality. One of the biggest doors this realization opens is the door to manifestation. I'm not sure if you have heard of the law of attraction, but it is one of the most life changing concepts. When looking at time in 4D, you understand the fact that we can only live in our current present, there is no past or future. When you look at time in 5D it is easiest to picture time as a tesseract. Your present self resides in the center of the tesseract, while all other versions of you to exist reside in the surrounding areas. This leads to the conclusion that all of your existing selves are existing at the same time. This supports the law of attraction. In theory this means you can create your own present, and you're the leading contributor to anything that happens to you.

The author's comments:

This peice was written to explore the thin line that separates science and fiction, in hopes to make readers think just a small bit harder about things that usually arent given a second thought. 

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