Winter in Wisconsin | Teen Ink

Winter in Wisconsin

January 19, 2022
By maxknull SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
maxknull SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winter. The dreaded cold makes it’s annual arrival each year. It slowly sets in, and once you realize, it's already in full effect.  In return, many flee to the place they call home. The air becomes dry, and skin starts to crack and peel. Swiftly, snow covers the once lavish scenery of Wisconsin, as if it were a white blanket. To most, winter is like their least favorite meal, something to dread over. But some see the brutal cold, and the cumbersome snow as an opportunity.

Opportunity. Perspective. Children see the snow, and build forts that can withstand the hardest blows from any hostile snowball. Whereas adults lose their sense of joy in the snow. They see an unshoveled driveway, a slippery road, and salt, salt, salt…and more salt. But activities don’t stop at the first snowfall. Infact, they are just beginning to many Wisconsinites.

From skiing or snowboarding down a hill at a resort, to exploring trails that connect town to town by snowmobile or foot. Wisconsin fulfills your wants and needs. Small Wisconsin towns transform into hotspots in the winter. And here, you can create some of the best times with the best people. 

A white winter in Wisconsin is not clockwork as the days of old. Most here dream of warm weather and white beaches during the winter. But I dream of snow, covering the roads, covering the woods. Because in a snow covered Wisconsin is where I feel most at home. 

The author's comments:

What Wisconsin can offer in the winter. Not a full indepth of everything, but more of a sales pitch.

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