The Last Time | Teen Ink

The Last Time

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Why grow up? These are the best times, the best memories. The care and love of my parents, not having to worry about taxes and where I'm going to live. Never having to worry about when my next meal will be. I will never forget these times like the breeze zipping through the fallen red and orange leaves, as I pick apples from a tree. 

The snow floating ever so softly down to the ground. When I fall off my sled and the snow gets between my gloves and coat. I know one day I unfortunately will have to grow up, and it's tough to think about. Knowing that this may be the last time I get to have a snowball fight with my brother. 

BAM!  As I throw a snowball right in his face.

“Get wrecked” I yell as his red face peeks up over the snow fort. OH NO! He is mad. I ran. Or at least tried to (There was 8 inches of snow). As he chases me with a snowball in his hand, I run screaming and laughing. Not being able to breathe, I fall over and my brother jumps on top of me. And pushes my head right into the cold, soft snow he yells…

“HA HA White wash!” and runs inside laughing.

Knowing that I took this for granted years ago it pains me. I may never be able to do this again with him. Growing up is one of the worst things that can happen to people. Again I ask the question, why grow up? 

I know now. It's to start your own memories. Have a family and let them make the same memories with their siblings you did those 20 years ago. Maybe growing up isn’t so bad after all.

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