goal setting | Teen Ink

goal setting

May 26, 2022
By Anonymous

Setting goals and keeping them 

Setting goals is easy but keeping them is not as easy. In the past I have set goals for myself but i wasn't keeping the goals. One year I set a goal to practice volleyball every day. I told my coach that next year I would come back way better. As the days went by I kept saying I had more time to reach my goal. Then the next season came and I did not practice as much as I wanted to and my skills did not improve by much. I didn't make the level I wanted and didn't not reach my goal. Goals can help you achieve what you want to and improve your skills. These are methods that helped me achieve my goals

Make a schedule 

Making a schedule is great to help you stay organized but also help you stay on track to achieving  your goals. My schedule has always been crazy and last minute stuff was always added. I realized it just made me unorganized and stressed about all of the things I needed to get done. So making a schedule to know what you are going to do and knowing if you can add last minute stuff will help you to stay organized and not stress about fitting everything in. When I know what I am doing and when to do it I do way better and get more important things done. 

Having a partner

Doing it alone is always an option but if you have a partner it makes it so much better and you can have a better time. I have found it easier to get yourself to do something if you have someone doing it with you and encouraging you to do it and it also helps you to have fun too. When I tried doing it with a pattern it held me accountable because you can't just not do it if someone is counting on you. Having a partner helps you to hold yourself accountable and have a better time while doing it.

Setting goals is a great thing to do and helps people to achieve what they want if they do the right steps to getting there. Don't set goals and do nothing about it, set goals and achieve them. After setting your goal, find someone who has a goal like you and  make a schedule that works for you and your partner. Don't keep setting goals that you're not going to keep, make a goal that works for you and that you will achieve.

The author's comments:

I have struggled with goal setting and these steps have really helped me and change the way I look at goals.

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