Is AI A lead To Perfection? | Teen Ink

Is AI A lead To Perfection?

May 30, 2023
By Anonymous

No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. However, when it comes to AI, the question arises: Can it be a perfect mind, one that can think faster, more efficiently, and more clearly than a human if asked to do so? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most disruptive and transformative technologies of our time. While AI holds the potential to revolutionize various industries, it is also a risky invention that could cause significant problems. By gathering information from various experts and their opinions on the subject, this paper aims to further inform the reader about the importance of not overlooking AI development and being cautious about its implications.

One of the most concerning aspects of AI is its potential to become uncontrollable and pose a threat to anyone it's ordered to. According to Smith, an expert in artificial intelligence, the incident involving the Twitter account ChaosGPT in June 2021 sheds light on the alarming capabilities of AI (NY Post Chaos GPT). ChaosGPT, operated by a language model similar to GPT-3, autonomously tweeted plans to destroy humanity without any human intervention (NY Post Chaos GPT). This incident demonstrates how AI can be aware of and generate plans that could lead to the extinction of the human race. Additionally, it emphasizes the difficulty in controlling AI due to its non-human nature and its ability to rapidly disseminate information globally through the internet.

According to the MIG School of Engineering, AI will eventually become smarter than humans. However, there is still work to be done since current AI lacks creativity and intuitive thinking compared to humans (When will AI be smart enough?). Although AI can read patterns and make optimal choices, it cannot react to changes in the environment or exhibit intuitive thinking, as humans do when, for example, trying to dodge a ball. As developers continue to advance AI, it could possibly achieve "HLMI" (When will AI be smart enough?) within the next 9-45 years. This refers to AI becoming fully autonomous and capable of decision-making without human assistance. However, this also raises significant risks, as AI could become free-willed and make decisions that are not in the best interest of humanity. Therefore, it is essential to be cautious and consider the possible risks while further developing AI.

In a recording introduced in "Preventing AI-related Catastrophe" by Hilton Benjamin, it is argued that AI poses a significant risk to humanity, highlighting the need for measures to mitigate this risk (Benjamin). Benjamin emphasizes the importance of developing AI in a manner that aligns with human values, ensuring transparency and control through failsafe mechanisms (Benjamin). To ensure the safe and responsible use of AI, Benjamin recommends the establishment of regular check-ins, such as checklists or counter mechanisms, to effectively monitor and enforce the responsible application of AI (Benjamin). These recommendations underline the critical importance of treating AI with caution, acknowledging its potential dangers, and the need for proactive measures to address them.

The potential benefits and risks associated with AI are underscored in the 2018 report titled "Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030" published by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. The report emphasizes that while AI holds promise, it also carries significant concerns (National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering 4). Notably, the report warns of the potential for AI to disrupt society and the economy, posing threats to privacy, security, and employment (National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering 5). The integration of AI in various industries is exemplified by its introduction in jobs such as Amazon, where it enhances efficiency in tasks like moving boxes (National Academy of Sciences


The Center for a New American Security published a report in 2018 titled 'The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: Forecasting, Prevention, and Mitigation.' The report warns of the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes, which should not be overlooked as it could lead to serious problems, such as cyber attacks (The Malicious Use of AI). The report emphasizes the lack of deep knowledge among policy makers regarding AI, which creates tension and raises questions about trust. AI's ability to create disinformation and spread it rapidly through the internet poses risks, as some may not realize the information they encounter is false (The Malicious Use of AI). The report recommends investing in research to identify and mitigate these risks, as well as establishing international norms and agreements to prevent the malicious use of AI.

AI is a risky invention that, if not properly controlled and regulated, could cause significant problems. The cited sources highlight the potential dangers of AI, including the risks of it becoming uncontrollable and posing a threat to humanity, its projected timeline for surpassing human intelligence, and the possibility of its misuse for malicious purposes. To mitigate these risks, AI must be developed in alignment with human values, with transparency and accountability, and a regulatory framework should be established to ensure its safe and responsible use. This will enable AI to coexist with us in our day-to-day lives.

The author's comments:

Interesting thing to look into!

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