A Gift That Can't Be Wrapped | Teen Ink

A Gift That Can't Be Wrapped

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

One of the the biggest gifts that can be given is happiness, Not through the form of a material present, but an action. Material happiness is very short-term while happiness through actions is very long-term. The gift of long-term happiness is simply created by spending time with your loved ones, that is one of the only ways to gift true happiness.
There are millions of different items that I could go to the store and buy right now that would make me happy for a small amount of time and then I would move on to the next thing. I believe that I am always the happiest around loved ones. Loved ones aren’t just your parents or family, they can be close friends or just people you care for. When I’m around these people, I can always feel my mood instantly brightening up like the sunrise after a long night.
Many parents throughout America feel that they can buy their children's love. Whether they work too much or just simply aren’t ever present, money can never completely buy someone. Sure, you can get short-term affection and hugs but, will your children do the same thing tomorrow? I guarantee that they go back to the exact same, living their lives without a parent present because no one will go out of their way to get to actually listen to the children and learn more about them. 
The term “money can’t buy happiness” has been going around for decades but is it actually true? If I was watching the sunset in my infinity pool in my beach house right next to the ocean, I feel like I would be pretty happy. Once again, I would be happy, but only at that moment, not in general. That lovely sunset would instantly fade out of my mind the next day and be replaced with all of the stress from work to be able to afford that view.
When you are with your loved ones, money doesn’t matter because you have each other. I guarantee that there are hundreds of millionaires, if not billionaires, that have enough money to see green for miles that are less happy than families that are lower class but still have each other. This is one of the world's most common misconceptions, money doesn’t bring you relationships, it pushes them away and creates unhealthy ones. Becoming rich can take a whole lifetime of hard work to do. With this hard work, you are pushing out loved ones because you are always so busy and in the end, many wealthy people don’t have anybody.
With all of this being said, the next time you see a loved one, hug them. A hug goes a lot farther than an object and many people look past that. A lot happens even to your loved ones behind closed doors, you never know what they are battling so, make every moment count and treat them the best you possibly can.

The author's comments:

My name is Ethan Cornell, I am a Junior at Arrowhead High School. This is a very important topic to me due to many personal things, I hope you enjoy!

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