Best Day Ever | Teen Ink

Best Day Ever

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

The year was 2014 and my family decided to get a dog. I was so excited like a little kid on Christmas morning. The dog we are going to get is in green bay. So my Mom had to drive 3 hours away while I had to wait three hours. I remember Jack saying” I have to wait 6 hours, I can’t wait that whole time.”  Waiting for an extended period of time is my Achilles heel because I was just so excited to have my first dog, But at least I got to spend time with my grandparents. It is also fun being around them.  We got there pretty early in the morning.  On the plus side, my grandparents have a pool. So we ate some food and go outside for a swim. I put my swimming suit on and start to swim. But as I was swimming it start to rain like cats and dogs. And I really liked it but it started to thunder and I and my brothers run inside. 

We swam for 2 hours and we were hungry and we couldn’t decide what to eat we could eat pizza, pizza rolls or Pineapple.  My grandma decided on getting Pizza and having the pineapple  And it was great, the pizza tasted amazing and usually, I don’t like pizza from Rosati’s but it was really good this time. I think I was just so hungry. As time goes by, the more excited I get. I have been waiting for this day for a couple of years. And still couldn’t believe that it is here. But little did I know that the ride home for Mom was going to be terrible. Because we didn’t know that he gets car sick and gets car sick really easily and a three-hour car ride was going to be terrible for him. My mom had to put him in his cage but he threw up a couple of times. And also he was so scared. He had to know clue what was going to happen. 

 My and brothers swim so more. And then the time came when I get to meet our new dog. And my grandma starts driving us home. We get home and I see him and my Mom sitting in a chair. And he looks so sacred and we just let him be. Because my Mom said we should give him time before we start messing with him. As time goes by my dog starts to like me and my brothers a lot. When we would go outside he cry at the door for us. But then summer ended and he starts to get really close with my Mom. And this was a really good thing because she is the one who spends the most time with him. And we bought him for her because she just figured out she has cancer.  

The author's comments:

This was the day I got my dog 

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