Silence is Golden | Teen Ink

Silence is Golden

August 16, 2023
By Anonymous

An excess of noise has the tendency to clutter up daily life, drowning out emotions and suffocating the spark of inspiration with its constant, insatiable demand for attention. Silence makes no such demands. It merely exists. It has no need to beg, because it is inherently valuable. Meditation, prayer, and creativity all thrive when an individual has the opportunity to sit in silence. Silence settles over you like a warm, comforting blanket. It provides a suitable atmosphere for reluctant thoughts to emerge from their hibernation in the deepest crevices of the subconscious mind; at first in a trickle, and soon in a steady flow. If you ever feel confused or uncomfortable, don’t shy away from silence. Seek it out. Embrace it. Those moments of perfect stillness are the jewels of the human experience.

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