Getting Out of Your Shell | Teen Ink

Getting Out of Your Shell

November 2, 2023
By Anonymous

I believe in; sitting in the dark, in the corner of the class, where nobody can see me or acknowledge me,  I believe in ignoring the person in front of me, not engaging in conversation.  I believe in independent work, group work requires too much social effort, I believe in the lingering thought of not trying to talk to someone because " well, what if I fail, what will they think about me?" 

This is how every single person with social anxiety feels, they just want to stay in their shell, disconnected from reality, from life itself. The thought of failure in social activities scares them, and it will, in the beginning. Life doesn’t work like that, you can't live a life like that forever, sometimes you are going to need to get out of that shell and face the problems of the world, you can't run forever. 

What's the purpose of me telling you this? How would I know what it feels like to be where you are right now? It's because I am, slowly but surely making it out of this anti-social life. I was the kid who everyone labeled as the quiet kid, I was the one kid who would stay quiet in a group project but still do the work. I was the kid who always saw these kids talking together while me sitting in the corner with my phone in my hand looking at the stresses of social media. Wondering " I wish I could talk to people that, I wish I was like them" Trust me, I understand, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing about this.

I never said I was completely out of my shell, it's quite the opposite actually, I'm still making it out.  The moment I realized I can't live a life like this was when every time someone would come up to me, I crack, I'm frozen in place, if I utter a word my voice sounds all over the place. That’s how bad it was, and you also get tired of being alone with such a closed circle.

Life is going to make you do things that aren't in your comfort zone, and that's a good thing, you will make friends along the way, you will gain even a little amount of respect along the way. The most important part is you have learned a lesson, life doesn’t go according to your plan, many times you will to get out of your little space, your bubble, your comfort zone, and that’s a good thing, you will love it in the end.

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