Teens vs. Adults | Teen Ink

Teens vs. Adults

November 24, 2023
By Anonymous

Pressure. Many say kids and teens don’t have any life experiences. They say they’re always wrong and don’t know what life is. Especially teens, who are constantly pressured throughout their lives. They can’t behave like kids or adults. They’re put under this pressure to be mature and wise, but at the same time, not act like an adult. School can also create pressure on teens. They’re determined to do well at school, but other conflicts arise. For example, family problems, internal conflicts, and constant nagging to be perfect. These all add to the pile of stress a teen has. When they start growing up and maturing, they realize life isn’t always going to be controlled or saved by their parents. Just because they didn’t live as long as an adult doesn’t mean they don’t know about life. Someone’s age doesn’t define their maturity but their wiseness. Children constantly see things at home that can affect their viewing of life. For example, if a kid grows up with parents constantly fighting and arguing, the kid will grow up and can copy the same actions they do. A child's future depends on their parents. Parents must set a good example for them. Back to the topic of pressure, most teens have internal conflicts that create this bubble of pressure waiting to explode. Most suicidal and depressed people fall around the age of teens. This proves to show that teens have it in a more complex way than adults. Adults fail to understand teens, saying they’re crazy or just living a life of delusion. The actual delusion here is that adults choose to be “right” rather than being won by a teen. A teen is never wrong about their feelings.

The author's comments:

Just a teen talking about teen issues :) ! 

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