Mental Health Awareness | Teen Ink

Mental Health Awareness

February 26, 2024
By Anonymous

In our world today, people are able to get the help they need since the world has studied mental health more, and we know a lot more about it than we did 20 years ago. But is it actually enough? Most people in the world most likely have mental health issues, whether they are noticeable or not, that they just aren’t aware of, or they refuse to get the help that they need. If getting mental help was more of a norm, or making it a requirement to go through a therapy session just like how we have checkups, it will bring more awareness and seriousness to it. If we had awkward therapy sessions every so often, it could greatly help society as it’s bringing more acceptance to mental health as well as making it a norm for people to even go to therapy, since that is also looked down on.

This can have a substantial impact on society as a whole, being that many more people will be getting the help that they need, as well as making others feel better about themselves if mental health is more widely accepted. Yes, we know that mental health is a thing, but it isn't getting applied enough in society, and the world isn’t as accepting of it. Most of the time, it’s the parents that are the problem. Whether it’s an inherited mental disease or not, childrens’ personalities are made up of their parents. So, if parents have mental health problems, it’s likely that their child could have them as well. But, our parents grew up in the 70’s and 80’s, so they had different norms in society, so someone admitting they have something mentally wrong with them is looked down on. In some instances, it depends on your parent’s background, and in some cases their parents don’t believe in mental illness. Growing up, I’ve had many friends that have been in this position, and it's horrible to see them suffer because their parents won’t do anything about it.

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