An Open Letter to All the Phone-Addicted Teenagers | Teen Ink

An Open Letter to All the Phone-Addicted Teenagers

May 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Dear teenagers who are on their phones, 

Yes, sometimes we all take our phones out during class and scroll on TikTok, sometimes the world around us is just too much and we have to escape from reality. But using technology to escape problems isn’t the best option. There are tons of ways we can be entertained while still staying healthy. A great way to do this is to read. For me reading is a hobby that I’m passionate about, I want to show you the wonders of immersing yourself in a place where imagination erupts and intelligence flies high. In this world modern entertainment creates unhealthy habits; reading is a much healthier source of entertainment than picking up your phone to scroll on social media. 

 Modern entertainment has become increasingly addictive and unhealthy. It is relatively new, the first TVs in homes were introduced in the late 1920s to 1930s. But it was only downhill from there, kids stopped going outside to play and instead stayed inside to play video games. According to Dr. Victoria L. Dunckley the author of “Reset Your Child's Brain”, “Many children are ‘hooked’ on electronics, and in fact, gaming releases so much dopamine—the ‘feel-good’ chemical—that on a brain scan it looks the same as cocaine use.” Dr. Dunckley shows that excessive technology use is highly addictive by stating that it is like a drug. This is very concerning. You are being exposed to drug-like chemical levels, and since your brains aren’t fully developed this can be harmful to you in the future by affecting your academic performance, social skills, and overall well-being. Turning to a healthier form of entertainment, like reading a book, at an earlier age can contribute to a bright future. 

Excessive technology use affects not only your mental health but your physical health as well. In a 2000 study done by Fotheringham, Wonnacott, & Owen, increased technology use has been connected to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. This study brings up a good point, technology use has made our day-to-day life more convenient but it has also made us more comfortable, to the point where we aren’t getting up and getting active. Activities such as scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV, and playing video games are leading you to a more sedentary lifestyle, while also increasing obesity rates around the world. 

You might say that technology improves your mood and helps you escape from your day-to-day life. However, a book can help you do just that. According to the article “Reading vs Gaming”, “Reading is a healthy, low dopamine activity that requires a higher level of effort compared to other activities.” By having your brain more active, it can do so much more, like expanding your imagination. Imagination is crucial for the development of your brain, imagination is crucial for problem-solving abilities and creativity. Imagination is crucial for propelling innovative ideas and pushing us beyond limits we thought were possible. 

So if you need a place where imagination erupts and anything is possible, a book can open the door to boundless benefits. Turning to technology removes all of the wonders books offer and instead opens another door to a place with unhealthy habits and addiction. So put your phone down and go outside or if you are looking for an escape from reality, simply pick up a book and start reading. 


 a concerned book lover

The author's comments:

I've always been passionate about reading ever since I could read. So when my teacher gave us a chance to publish an open letter we wrote, I jumped at the opportunity. I hope you like what I wrote!

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