Family | Teen Ink


May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

Family to me

Family has many different meanings to me. I have had different meanings of family as time has gone along. From friends to parents, different people come in and play different roles and it is a beautiful system in the end because you get the best of all worlds. I love my household family very much but on the other hand I’ve known some of my friends longer than I have my own father so it’s hard to separate the two and only call one my “family” so I look at it in a perspective that separates them as two different relationships but both still family.

Blood family’s have been the essential of life for as long as humans have been around. We have a bond to family that is very, very hard to break and I think that it is very cool and unique that it is just an automatic system in us that feels that way. People will do almost anything for their family, it drives them like nothing else.

Now friends that are family are a driving motivator in people's lives too but there is not that moral calling to have a bond with them as there is with your blood family which is interesting. Saying that though there still are factors that bond people with their friends very tightly which is also a good thing.

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