Romanticize the F**** Out of Your Life | Teen Ink

Romanticize the F**** Out of Your Life

May 23, 2024
By ChloeDja BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
ChloeDja BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In our current day and age, the term romanticize your life has become extremely common.  Whether we notice it or not, at one point or another everyone goes through their daily life glorifying the little things.   Some of our daily habits such as engaging in social media, listening to music, walking, etc give us platforms to idealize the little lives we are living.   As human beings, we crave excitement and a sense of belonging, and what better way to combine the two than to slightly alter how you see the world.  I feel that in giving yourself a new looking lens, there are positive emotional and mental benefits of romanticizing each and every one of our lives.   “Romanticizing elicits more positive emotions when dealing with menial tasks” allowing yourself to fully indulge in daily tasks can be extremely beneficial.  But how can we as people incorporate more spontaneity in our lives? It starts with incorporating fun into the routines we view as rigid.  

Taking the time to focus on the little details of your life creates satisfaction and gratitude.  A Brown University study was conducted about the benefits of mindfulness practice.  “It's shown to decrease stress and symptoms of depression as well as improve quality of sleep”.  “In the same vein, expressing gratitude releases dopamine, stimulating feelings of pleasure and happiness.  Gratitude also develops new neural pathways, promoting cognitive processing that enhances both focus and memory”.  Every person's existence would be enhanced if they embraced a more romantic perspective.  If we as individuals spent our days lookin into our daily activities, such as driving a car, going to school, making breakfast, etc we would be able to find joy in the smaller things thus uplifting our energy into daily experiences.  

I believe that the more we immerse ourselves in the romance of our own lives, it will become challenging to view the lives of others through the same romantic lens.  According to an article participated in by Denise Din “viewing others' romanticized lives can lead to people accumulating a distorted view of reality and their expectations.  They represent a glamorized version of that thing rather than the actual experience itself”.  As individuals, when we indulge in social media, gossip, etc it's easy to become engrossed in the romance of others lives.  Certain platforms are made to produce a perception for others to perceive.  As humans, too much consumption of these perspectives can be detrimental to how we view ourselves.  If we glamorize our own lives to fulfill emotional and mental needs within ourselves, we can learn to be happy with what's in front of us rather than destroy ourselves by comparing what we have to another person's fantasized realities.  Our own self love and self perception are extremely valuable, and glamorization of our lives can nurture these values.  

Self love and self perception are not the only principles that guide our actions and shape character, but motivation and inspiration are a huge part of why we get up in the morning.  Having a life to glamorize can spark creativity and encourages you to find joy in smaller things. In an article by Raima Saha, the author states that “Over romanticizing your life can have unintended negative consequences.  It can create unrealistic expectations of how life should be”.  I believe that as people, responsibly prioritizing the glamor within our lives, reminds individuals to further cultivate a positive mindset within an altered perception. Romanticization is a fundamental part of what makes our lives meaningful.  So romanticize the fuck out of your life everyday, because life is all about finding beauty and magic within the ordinary.





Kate Micallef “Reasons to romanticize your routine”  The Michigan Daily 10/18/23,mindfulness%20into%20college%20students'%20lives.


Alice Sheffer Sophia Dong “Romanticizing Reality” C Magazine 12/18/23,everything%20goes%20according%20to%20plan

Raima Saha “The Dangers of Over Romanticizing Your Life” The Spoke 12/6/23,of%20how%20life%20should%20be.

Christina Caron “The mundane Thrill Of Romanticizing Your Life” New York Times June 22, 2023

The author's comments:

I’m very passionate about self fulfillment and finding your place within the world.  

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