Losing a loved one | Teen Ink

Losing a loved one

May 27, 2024
By Anonymous

  October 24, 2022 It was a sad gloomy morning. We got a call from my grandpa around 7:00 pm that he wasn't feeling too well and that he fell in the bathroom. We then called the ambulance because we are 9 hours away from him and even if we tried to make it to his house it would be too late. It all happened so quickly. 

           Once my mom got that call she booked a one way flight with my sister to Spokane Washington where they transferred him. Me, dad, my other sister and our dog stayed and my mom was gonna call us the next day to let us know if we should go because he was gonna pass away. We woke up at our normal time to get ready for school but our dad told us that we needed to pack some clothes instead because we weren't going to go to school we needed to go see our grandpa.  We heard the news that he didn't have that much time left and that he could die any second. An hour goes by in the car just trying to pass the time so we try to sleep but we clearly can't sleep. It didn't feel right knowing he was passing away.   3 more hours left to go and it's a silent car ride. No emotions, just sadness, silent noise. We ended up stopping 2 hours into our car ride to let the dog go to the bathroom and for all of us to get a snack. It was still really gloomy where we were and kinda dark like grayish. They had a fence in the area so we let Milo run around and stretch his legs .It then started to hit us with the emotions that it was really his time. Me and my sister talked about what we felt while my dad was in the store. Just some simple tears.

Jasmin “ what do you think gonna happen, do you think he's gonna make it?”

Vanessa “ Honestly i don't know i hope he makes it im almost about to graduate and i want him there” 

                Then that was it we got closer and closer to the hospital, dad dropped us off at the front so we could go say our goodbyes first. Me and my sister both had the impression that our grandpa would be up and talking but he wasn't. He was but to sleep with the breathing tube down his throat. Hearing all those beeps and the breathing machine made it even more sad. I asked my mom for some time alone with him so i can say my goodbye. All i got to say before i started to cry was “ please don't go i love you.. I will take care of grandma for you but you have to watch me graduate. I love you apa.” Then that was it. We all said our goodbyes and sat at the hospital for about an hour then we decided to finally go to the hotel and rest for a bit. We all took a shower and decided that we should get food because none of us had eaten for hours. So we went to denys and got some food to make my grandma happy. She was losing her soulmate, the one person who she spent her whole life with. We went back to the hotel and just relaxed, we finally laid down for bed and then at 11:59 my mom got a call from the hospital that he died. He left peacefully. That was it. My mom and dad and grandma go to the hospital to see him one last time and it hits us that we start crying that our grandpa is no longer here anymore. That he finally left. It was weird like how death was working. My grandpa always told us that if it rains someones gonna pass away and guess what the day we went to go see him in the hospital it was pouring and we knew he wasn't going to make it. The next morning we were looking for a place to get him cremated because that is what he wanted and we had to do it there because we live in Gresham Oregon and he died in Spokane Washington. We ended up finding a place but they said they would ship it to our house with his ashes. A few hours later my uncle took my mom and grandma to her house so she could get her clothes because she was going to be living with us now.A 4 hour drive we finally made it. Once I stepped into that house it was empty, this cold feeling like just empty wishing that he would walk out of his room to welcome us but nothing. I walked to the back room and all of a sudden I got this really cold feeling like he was there and I started crying again. My grandma didn't like us to cry because she said he was in heaven now that we didn't need to cry. He isn't sick anymore. So we would have to cry privately away from her. A couple days go by. We are home already and I'm sleeping in my bed and I feel as though something rested there hand on my bed but when I woke up it was nothing there was nothing there. There was a lot of stuff happening but it eventually all went away. A year later we decided to spread his ashes because that's what he always told us that he wanted his ashes to be spreaded in the river so he could be with his sister. So we did that and we knew he was happy.

            My life did change, all of our lives changed. It helped us realize that we need to not take things for granted because one second they are here and one second they are not. I will forever love my grandpa. I do have my days where I do miss him and I get sad but I know that he's always with me. He was my best friend but until I see him again I will take care of my grandma like I promised. We all wish that our loved ones were immortal and did not die but that's the story God wrote for all of us. 

The author's comments:

This piece is very important to me and means a lot it's my own personal experience with losing someone. My writing might bring someone else a piece of comfort or something else who knows?

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