Do we prefer to live for money or live for ourselves? | Teen Ink

Do we prefer to live for money or live for ourselves?

May 28, 2024
By Diego0915 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
Diego0915 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When we talk about money it is impossible not to relate it to money, when we have money we feel happy and when we don't have it we really feel that we are missing something. We cannot acquire something we want without money. Having Money is a very important tool in today's world, and it is something that many people take as a priority even above their health or family. Although money can buy you happiness,that happiness is momentary. Personally I believe that things like a hug from a loved one, helping a person or talking to someone about an interesting topic give us greater and more lasting happiness than that any money would give us. “Money can't buy us happiness, but it is a tool that can give us security and a sense of control over life,” says Schulz, who is also a psychology professor at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. 

Many people really believe that their main reason for living is to be a millionaire or to have a luxurious car or a mansion. It is respectable to be honest but when I start to think about it it is really sad, that is to say working all the time, not seeing our family. , not having good times to achieve that goal that is really empty, it is not something that deep nor does it have feelings involved. If the world is really made for us we should appreciate those small details, nature, our family, our day. Many times we do not pay attention to what we have and we want more things, without thinking that many people would like to have our life even for a day. “Money can't fix everything. According to Univision journalist Natalia Cantero "When you are very unhappy, money doesn't seem to help.”  And I really believe that it is like this, when we suffer from a loss or we feel empty and without motivation to continue living, even money cannot give us back someone or it drains us of that motivation. Living for money and not taking advantage of what we have is really something that does not make us human beings but rather machines with only one reason for living: money. 

As human beings that we should be, we must understand that living a balanced life is the best, giving ourselves time to work and achieving a stable economy is perfect, and also giving ourselves even more time to enjoy, spend time with our family, help each other and appreciate the world and reality we live in. stop complaining so much about the lack of money and start changing to achieve that goal without leaving aside the people we really appreciate. 

The author's comments:

This opinion article tries to express a little of my opinions and experiences in a society where money and happiness go hand in hand.

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