Should college education be free? | Teen Ink

Should college education be free?

May 30, 2024
By nasirwhite4 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
nasirwhite4 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First and foremost, education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all, not a privilege for those who can afford it. By making college free we ensure that every individual has the chance to reach their full potential, contributing to a more equitable society.

Going to College for free would encourage more people to enroll in college or Universities simply because they would leave debt free. The rising cost and high education and fears of Student debt are some of the reasons people are choosing not to attend college. 

Studies show that “51.04% of students drop out because they cannot pay for college”. If they are able to go, 55% of Students struggle to financially support their education, which results in 79% of those students delaying their education. Some of those students will never return due to debt. Student loan debt in the United States is almost at 1.7 trillion dollars.

Free College leads to greater completion rates, which would result in a more educated population. If tuition were free that would create a wide spread of degree attainment which in return would benefit society as a whole. They are also less likely to rely on government support such as unemployment benefits, medical and housing subsidies, to name a few.

With less Student debt, more students would be able to concentrate on learning, developing new ideas and improving society as tuition worries are lessened. College can raise lifetime wages and expand students understanding of the world. 

 We should consider making college free because, there would be a higher percentage of people who graduate from College and become successful.  Everyone should get the same opportunity to higher their education without paying. If students have been going to school for free, they should not have to start paying when they graduate. Every person in this country who has the desire and ability should be able to get all the education they need regardless of the income of their family. 

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