Pretend you're 80 | Teen Ink

Pretend you're 80

June 7, 2024
By johnny-kubi BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
johnny-kubi BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nowadays kids have everything and don’t have to work hard for anything, all they do is play video games and live in a virtual reality. They should be outside playing games with their friends and stepping out of their comfort zone. When I was young like them, I would have to get dragged back inside because it was late and I didn’t want to stop playing. Everyday, I would run over to my friends house and we would play some sort of game that we invented. Sure, sometimes my friends and I would play video games, but that’s one of my biggest regrets. I wish I never had any kind of electronic that I could play video games with. Looking back at it, it just feels like wasted time and that’s what these kids are doing right now, wasting time. Time is very special, it’s one of those things that you just can’t get back and I don’t want these kids to regret letting videogames steal precious time from them. I just want all the kids to know how important interactions with other people are and talk to other people face to face. 

Unfortunately these kids just can’t get off their phones or consoles. All of them are couch potatoes, as my mom always said, “sitting on a couch all day won’t get you very far in life.” All the youngins have got to get off their butts, and that’s just the truth. I know it is very difficult to stop playing video games because it’s addicting, you just have to force yourself off the game. Maybe set a timer, or only let yourself play for so much time each day. Then keep shortening the time little by little until you get out of the bad habit. 

With the time that you have rescued, you can try and find new interests, hang out with friends, maybe even learn something new. Trying something new, like a sport that you have never played is one of the most important things for someone young to do. You will get older, and when you get older, you have more responsibilities, and you're as busy as a bee. One sport that I had always wanted to play was hockey, but I just set it aside for most of my life and that came back to bite me in the butt. I just got out of 8th grade, and asked my mom if I could play hockey, she said, “I don’t think that you are going to be able to, it’s just too late and hockey isn’t something that you can just join and be good at.” So my dreams of playing hockey just slipped out of the door.

The author's comments:

This piece is me imagining the world when I am 80 and trying to give advice to the kids. 

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