Why I Love Wisconsin | Teen Ink

Why I Love Wisconsin

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

I love Wisconsin, a pearl in the Midwest, because of its location  I love the people in it. The midwest is so aesthetic with the rolling plains and endless skies.  I love almost everything about it.  Its warm Wisconsin weather, rain, summer mornings, and the dark peaceful evenings.  The midwest culture is one of the best in the whole world.  That being said, it also has its downsides, or Wisconsin does at least.  For one, the midwest is notorious for tornadoes.  Also, the winters in Wisconsin are extremely cold and are enough to make someone not want to live there at all.  A business that has impacted me living in Wisconsin is Culvers.  I would say I go there at least once a week and it is my favorite place to eat in Wisconsin.  It is right next to the gym I go to, and it is an easy place to go after a hard workout.  

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