Why is green your favorite color? | Teen Ink

Why is green your favorite color?

June 7, 2024
By Joey1837111 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Joey1837111 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you think of your favorite color, many people might say a color like blue since it is the color of the ocean, and is a very pretty color. Some people might say Pink is the best color, since it really pops out at you and has a very good spunk to it. Some people might even say orange or white, but green is my favorite color. 

Green is my favorite color because it is the color of nature. And not only is it the color of nature but it is the color of animals and not only can green be the color of nature but a different shade of green can be very pretty. When you think of some of the most breathtaking things in the world, they are all green. Think of a beautiful forest over the horizon with luscious green trees and nature. Think of the beautiful sights on a hike 

while staring at the world atop a mountain. The winds make the trees look like they have minds of their own and bring true peace to anyone who has had the pleasure of seeing the color at its best.

 And you might say that other colors like white or blue can also be the color of nature and be just as good, but that is simply not true. White is a one trick pony that can only be the color of snow, and blue is also a one trick pony with the color of water. These colors are fine, but they lack the variety that green has. Think of how many different kinds of green things there are in nature, there are trees, bushes, grass, and so much more! Green is laced throughout all things nature and that is why it's my favorite. Green truely is the Zenith of colors. 

A bright shiny green can be the color of a lot of jewelry and other things like that. With other colors, they only have the ability to do so much, while green has such a wide range and different kinds of itself. From the color of Moss to the color of a shiny emerald, green can do it all. Just think of how many green things you see on your way to school. Like a tree, and the grass, and even a stoplight! This is why green is the best color and my favorite color. 

Green is my favorite color because it is the color of nature and it can be so scenic, and because of it’s incredible variety where it can go from a bright shiny emerald green to a dark smelly moss. 

The author's comments:

It is for my final Exam for my composition class and I am very proud of it 

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