Advocacy Letter to school | Teen Ink

Advocacy Letter to school

November 25, 2009
By Anonymous

I am currently a senior in High School and I skateboard. I’ve noticed there are diverse amounts of Physical Education courses offered during the summer as opposed to other schools. But, there is nothing for “extreme” sports. I think it would be a great opportunity to have a class that consists of skateboarding because it has a great culture behind and I believe students will catch on.

Browsing through the summer course catalog in a quest to find a class to keep me interested, I was struggling. Three courses are offered; traditional, adventure, and club . Why isn’t there a course for “extreme” sports? Since Delafield skate park is only fifteen minutes away from Arrowhead, it would be a perfect place to send the students. Also, skate parks like Delafield are free. All you need to do is supply protective gear and buy a couple extra skateboards, which isn’t as expensive as other sports like football. Also, you could limit the class size to lower expenses. When it comes to injuries just have all the students sign a waiver or permission form. People are going to get hurt, but if they are wearing gear and just starting out, they aren’t going to get hurt as much. I have heard of schools in California that do this and the students love it. They have buses ready to go and they drive students to skate parks for P.E. class.

As the Department Coordinator, you have the power to expand the course selection and have an even more diverse physical education system. With your help, students might be able to discover a new passion and be educated on an interesting culture.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 6 2009 at 7:36 pm
BookWorm579 PLATINUM, Elk Grove, California
26 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"à cœur vaillant rien d’impossible [nothing is impossible to a willing heart]" -French Proverb

Tjis is a cool article, but I think I know why schools haven’t embraced skateboarding as a class. Money. It wouldn’t just mean buying protective gear and skateboards, it would also mean paying to train a phys ed teacher how to teach skateboarding; and (though your school has a convenient skate park) other schools would have to pay for transportation for students too young to drive. Or else, they’d have to build their own on-campus skate parks.

lola1 said...
on Dec. 1 2009 at 3:34 pm
I like the letter because it shows interest in the school he attends. Phys ed classes need to stay current to keep students interested in physical fitness. It sounds like it would be a fun class.