My Grandma Nell | Teen Ink

My Grandma Nell

April 1, 2010
By Anonymous

I want you to know that i love you very much!Even though we all cry about what is happening to you we do it because we see you suffering and there's nothing we can do about it. And when your ready to go, we want you to know it's ok, because we know you won't be in any more pain, and you'll be with grandpa! So, when your gone all of these tears will be joy even though it may not seem like it. Even though i don't want to say it... i'm going to, i love you and it's time for you yo go because God and Jesus have decided that you have surved your purpose, and you were not ment to survive breast cancer which was one of your many challenges, your always with us, and we will all see you someday

The author's comments:
The thing that inspired me about this piece is my grandma nell a week before she died.

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