New York Living | Teen Ink

New York Living

June 30, 2010
By Anonymous

In my opinion New York is the only place to live happily ever after.
Comparing with others properties around the world, such as United Kingdom with rest of the Europe, Dubai with enormous quantity of real estate, Russia with no sense of real estate, New York has it all. Every townhouse with great history behind, new developments with floor-to-ceiling windows make us think of NY as of heaven, where you can live as you like.
There's no place in the world, where living place make a big sense and play huge role in your life. Each place/ neighborhood presents their own style, vision, expression, meaning. I personally adore Soho, because of it's unique architecture, streets, history, style. Front of the building says "hello 40's", but interior can say "welcome to the future". There's no any styles that restores in many countries from 17th century, there's new styles that come from talented New York designers. They create new style, New York style, which is priceless. Floor plans on the other hand, is completely different story. New York is the only place, where new homes come with extra bathroom. Each bedroom in NY penthouse or adorable apartment has it's own bathroom, which is absolutely right and comfortable. Don't you hate when your parent's find your personal stuff in the bathroom, or guests perhaps? Or don't you hate waiting in the line while someone is showering and you're late? New York living is all about comfort, not like London's teeny tiny houses, with windows big enough to squeeze your face for morning light of sun.
Most people (who's not living in New York) don't understand apartments with small kitchens or no kitchen at all. Why do you need them if you can order Chinese or go to the restaurant next to your lobby or just across the street?
Huge windows, walk-in-closets, fireplace, guest room, his and hers bathrooms, roof-top terrace, 56th floor. It's just a dream to live in New York.

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on Jul. 8 2010 at 11:08 pm
pageturner PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
34 articles 0 photos 94 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's okay to daydream.. just as long as you get to do some of those daydreams.

I live in New York, and I love Manhatten. But maybe you could try writing some details about the actual community